Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Contact information

Is there anything you were looking for and couldn't find it here? E-mail me at arjunwadhwa2003@yahoo.ca and I will add that information on detail , here.

This blog is incomplete, and I need your help to tell me what more information you need. Thanks for reading and I hope to hear from you!

How many calories should you eat?

How many calories one should eat depends on a lot of factors. There is no base figure of calories an average person should eat, because there is no average person in this world. Everyone is different in their needs and their body types and they need different amounts of calories depending on that.

You shouldn't just think that you need 1500 calories a day since this is the number a lot of people use in their blogs and websites as a base figure. Howver these people are not nutritionists or diet specialists. These people are just trying to advertise diet programs to make some $cash. It is sad that people copy paste material from an un researched blog/website and paste it to their website and we get millions of webpages that supply the wrong information.

Well then how could you determine the calories you need? In general you can use an easy 5 second quick calculation which is to multiply your weight in kilograms by 25.

For example: (Your weight=100) x 25= 2500 calories. A 100kg person needs 2500 calories a day to maintain their weight. However 100kg is considered to be a lot of weight and as long as you are tall or muscular it is fine for you to eat 2500 calories a day if you weight 100kg. But if you carry a lot of fat with you and your bones don't weigh much and all the weight is your fat then you may not eat 2500 calories a day. Usually a person needs to eat 200 less calories than they are supposed to, for losing some weight. Which means to lose a pound/week you should eat 2300 calories a day only.

But the things get more complicated. There are calories from fat, and there are calories from proteins, vitamins, and other nutritious foods. Make sure most of your calories come from the nutritious foods and not from burgers, pizza, cheese, fries, etc. The calories from fat will result in fat in your body. Which means basically your body will store the food as fat, but if you eat healthy foods and get "healthy" calories then your body will use up that food to build muscle, make immune system stronger and make you full.

Concluding this article I suggest you use the calculation method I provided, and try to eat healthy foods and get the calories that are good for you. Many people consider all calories same but they are not. If you need 1500 calories but you eat 1600 calories but all from fast food then you are kind of eating 3200 calories a day since it is fat it is doubled.

Fattest Countries in the World

Do you belong to the following countries? Are you contributing to the list of overweight people?

1. Nauru
2. Micronesia
4. Tonga
5. Niue
6. Samoa
7. Palau
8. Kuwait
9. United States
10. Kiribati
11. Dominica
13. Argentin.
14. Egypt
15. Malta
16. Greece
17. New Zealand
18. United Arab Emirates
19. Mexico
20. Trinidad and Tobago
21. Australia
22. Belarus
23. Chile
24. Venezuela
25. Seychelles
26. Bahrain
27. Andorra
28. United Kingdom
29. Saudi Arabia
30. Monaco
31. Bolivia
32. San Marino
33. Guatemala
34. Mongolia
35. Canada
36. Qatar
37. Uruguay
38. Jordan

Obesity Facts and information

You have heard the term "Obesity" everywhere. Any blog, book or website you read about losing weight it contains the term obesity. But when do doctors consider someone to be obese?

Many teens think they are obese when they are not and this is because of media influence. The celebrities in television shows makes everyone think that they don't look as attractive as the celebrities. Most female celebrities are actually underweight, so if you are trying to figure out who is the unhealthy one, it is the fashion models in most cases.

* Men with 25-30% and women with 30-45% fat are considered obese. You can actually have a normal BMI and still be obese if you have higher body fat percentage.

* 74.1% of Americans are obese, from that 26 million are males and 30 million are females.

* United States is ranked 9th in terms of having the highest obesity rate with 74.1%, with Nauru topping the list with 94.1% obesity rate

* You need 3200 calories to gain a pound.

* North Americans spend $60 billion every year on weight loss products.

If you are one of the people included in the stats, then you have work to do. Read tips around the blog and start right now to drop those obesity pounds!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

What is BMI?

BMI stands for Body Mass Index, and it is a way to compare your height vs weight. It is a controversial statistical tool because it does not take muscle mass, percentage of fat, mass of bones and physical built of a person into consideration.

But I would still say that BMI is accurate for most people who are not body builders or did strength training before. Accurate BMI can be determined using many online calculators. But you have to know how to analyze your BMI number.

Here is a guideline to determine the proper BMI

Underweight = Less than or equal to 18.5
Normal weight = Between 18.6-24.9
Overweight = 25-29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

Remember that your BMI is only accurate if you don't have a muscular built.
Here is the calculator that is simple to use:


10 quick "Did You know" facts

Tip#1: Eating carrots will use up more calories inside to digest the carrots. Other vegetables with similar property are cucumbers, lettuce and baby carrots.

Tip#2: Fat requires oxygen to burn, so when exercising, inhale a little deeper and exhale slightly faster. This will supply more oxygen to muscles for faster fat loss"

Tip#3: A realistic goal of losing weight is 2 pounds/week (Fact based on a 150 pound woman)

Tip#4: Did you know sleeping too long slows down your metabolism rate? Avoid sleeping for more than 12 hours on any day and avoid sleeping less than 8 hours a day.

Tip#5: According to our social norms we are suppose to eat 3 meals per day, but lot of research has shown that a person must eat small portions in about 6-7 meals per day. Which means divide all the food you eat in 3 meals and eat it in 6 meals at different times.

Tip#6: Get more whole grain foods in your list of foods. Since small portion of fiberous foods makes us feel full and stays in our stomach longer than other substances we eat, it slows down our rate of digestion and and keeps us full.

Tip#7: 75% of your weight loss is determined by diet and nutrition, and 25% is determined by exercise. Don't kill yourself from hunger but reduce on ice cream, chips, cheese, etc.

Tip#8: Did you know going to buffets will result in an average decrease of metabolism. Eather control your portion in buffets or don't go to them because more than 90% of the time you eat more than you usually eat at that time on any other day resulting in decrease of metabolism.

Tip#9: Don't eat in front of the television. Studies show that people eat larger amounts and less-nutritious foods in front of the television and still not have a full stomach.

Tip#10: Eating some fattening snacks every couple of days when on a diet will not ruin your diet and will actually help you to keep control of

Beginner yoga poses for kids

Most yoga poses are easy and made for everyone to do. Since many people doing yoga have some health problems, they need easy poses to cure thier back pain without getting it worse! These poses are also sufficient for kids.

Since many children will not feel comfortable with the hard poses, it is always a good idea to start them with easy to do poses, and once they get the hang of it, they can start doing the harder once as their confidence will also build up.

Here are some easy poses and their benefits...

Exercise 1.) Kapal Bharati: This yoga pose is the simplest and it also works to its fullest. It is made to relieve stress and take control of your breathing and mind.

1. Take short breaths through your nose.
2. Release air through your nose, and while doing that push your stomach in. The breathing and the stomach movement need to be at the same time.
3. So basically take in air, push your stomach in around 60 times. You can do it 20 time sto start with.

* Be careful not to push the stomach to hard, and remember not to breathe through your mouth...

Exercise 2.) Alom Vilom: Another breathing exercise, great for beginners.


1. Put your right thumb on the right side of your nose and press it so you are no longer breathing in through the right side.

2. Inhale through the left nostril, but before exhaling hold your breath for 2 seconds and then cover the left nostril exhaling through the right one.

3. Do for about 10 minutes

* Don't hold your breath too long and make sure to inhale from the right nostril and exhale through the left nostril.

Exercise 3.) Eye Exercise yoga: A yoga exercise that will help to reduce strain on eyes and improve overall health of the eyes.


1. Cover both your eyes with your hands.

2. While covering your eyes also cover your ears using your thumbs on both ears.

3. Inhale and exhale very slowly. Inhale should last 3-5 seconds and exhale should last 4-7 seconds.

* Remember cover your eyes and ears!

These three exercises will help relieve stress, will produce results in about a month, great for children who are growing, and children with weak eye sight.

These are also one of the easiest yoga poses for all ages with a lot of benefits. Remember that yoga isn't about doing hard poses, it is about doing it properly!

Once your kids start doing these three poses properly, then you can advance on to harder poses which will provide more health benefits. Some yoga is better than no yoga at all!

About Me

Contact arjunwadhwa2003@yahoo.ca for any questions regarding this blog. You can request new articles on any particular subject and help make this blog more informative!